Sunday, December 9, 2012

Loaded with Obscure References #1


I'm typing in a ginormous font size, twenty-four-point Verdana. (The PDF file may look somewhat different; the OpenOffice reads this font as Virinda. I think it's alright, nothing fancy.) Typing like this, it tricks my brain matter into thinking I've actually written ten-thousands of words, while I've barely even completed two sentences. I created this site, Loaded with Obscure References, partly as an experiment, testing out Google Sites' capabilities, partly as a real attempt at something else, though I don't know what. I do know that as of late, I've been influenced by the science fiction fanzines/newszines, like Ansible. I've known about Ansible for about twelve years now; though not being that big of a sci-fi fan (I do enjoy the Stargate franchise, Star Trek, Star Wars and Doctor Who), I enjoy reading the news items sites like Ansible and SciFiWire bring. I've been more interested on the other ends of the speculative spectrum, fantasy and horror. Specifically the fantasy of REH and the horror of Romero.

Sword and Sorcery and Zombies. I've followed REHUPA, the REH United Press Association, for quite some time, delving into the various articles and links posted there. Not only a great REH resource, but a great resource of other authors and that other genre, horror. I searched Zombie newszine/fanzine and found Le Zombie. I was like 'YES! This is it, the greatest zombie resource I will ever find!!' Come to find out, it is a science fiction zine. I was like 'Okay, but we've got to find us a Zombie Zine.' I haven't found any yet, but I'm still early in my searches. I know of the message boards like All Things Zombie and Zombie Keeper which were and are two of the best communities out there. What I want really is the news, plain and simple, not something packaged either by big business Hollywood or little business message boards. Eh, I said it, now I'm going to have to live with it; I'd rather have something plain vanilla white and black (or any other color) text in some font of some describable size or another staring back at me. I'm simple like that, but not too simple. Who knows? Maybe I'll have to start something up. Anything is better than just sitting back waiting for something to happen in this field.

I think I'm wanting to write this too, as something that's more, I don't know, personal than blog. Sure I can jump on the bandwagon and blog (I've done it before and will likely do it again), drink the kool-aid and be a zombie like every other Tom, Dick and Harry out there. There's a YouTube video out there, 'An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube' I believe is the title, that goes through some of this; being what it says, the anthropological basis for YT and how the director and viewer each help change and shape their respective lives. It's a deeper connection, one that I've tried on YT (and have had success with); one that goes deeper than writing -- even this writing -- combining the audio and visual. In all the above spectrums of communication, deeper meaning. For me, the audio and visual has become the next step. I've already written before, being very minorly successful -- and Lord willing, can continue to be so -- those two steps, audio and visual, are the next in my path, and they are mighty ones.

The Weirding Has Begun We cure the Evil Curse of Midgetry!! -- Unknown Preacher and I know, I know! It's Wikipedia! But hey, it's still referencing some great comics work. Check it out.

The Future is Haunting Science,518562 and The Large Hadron Collider is going to run a-muck pretty soon, and it's trying to stop the scientists from starting itself up... from the future!!! Some scientists say that idea is crazy, others aren't so sure. If such a machine could rip through the fabric of the space-time continuum, what do you think it would do? Maybe leave a comment or write me an email. You could end up in these very pages.

News of the Brave General Casimir Pulaski 1745-1779, American Revolutionary War hero, was posthumously granted U.S. Citizenship recently. Thank you, sir, for your contributions to the American Cause.

A Different Spectrum Completely

Final Review Google Sites -- It was a good first attempt at getting into the web site hosting business, but it being Google and all, I came in expecting great things. Maybe it was that expectation that in the has so far burst my bubble. There are some issues that are just too complicated -- and I believe overly complicated by overly thinking the limitations of the programming -- or just not explained very well. I created five different web pages because of poor explanation. I was trying to create a list, that much they were able to explain, but beyond that, eh... Their HTML editor is highly lacking too, I've seen better with ghetto hosts. Most I've seen come with handy toolbars in the pop-out editor, for those with novice skill in HTML coding; this comes with 'HTML' and 'Preview', not for the novice HTML coder. In the end, however, I believe that most issues faced with GSites can and will be easily corrected in future updates. Also, in going back over this in the word processing program, it doesn't look that bad in the formatting. I did have to first paste into a text file then into this processor, as weird formatting had occurred in the straight paste. Not all that bad I suppose, if you are desperate to have a website, and have little to no HTML coding experience.

Tim Munn 11.8.2009 1:58 a.m. EST

An on-going project


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