Monday, January 7, 2013
Loaded with Obscure References #3
I hinted at the theme for this episode several times in the previous episode. I never planned it; I try to live as random, yet totally simple, a life as possible. Sometimes, that allows for a unique set of circumstances to build upon themselves and keep building to something more. It's right for me, right for most other people too. They want it; they don't know how to get it, but don't know how easy it is to get it. What I'm talking about is Adventure.
Reading this episode, the previous episode and fututre episodes is an Adventure. The three years between writing episodes of LORE was an Adventure. As I write this, it has already been nearly two weeks since the previous episode was published. Many Adventures have happened since then. Even then, indeed.
Adventure is a big word in reality. Here are a few definitions and examples of the word:
I began to write this introduction knowing a few things about Adventure. The main being that I must go on a journey, to go out west, as it were. This is a misconception. The third definition listed in the dictionary is the most common; that being, 'a hazardous action of uncertain outcome.' A hazardous action, potentially played out by military or police officers or firefighters; heroes of old fighting mythological creatures such as dragons or ogres. George A. Romero and Robert E. Howard stuff; Richard Marcinko and King Arthur stuff. Sometimes it goes like that; having to be manly (or womanly) and do heroic deeds at home or across the country, in a different country.
You can have an Adventure in your own local area, your own home, even your own mind. Go back to the Call of the West from the previous episode for a moment. In that scenario, the Yuppie wanted an Adventure for himself in the West. Some untamed wilderness he could physically conquer. What he was really seeking was to conquer something deep inside himself, that Adventuresome inner spirit waiting to become manifest. It was rather too late that the Yuppie realized it was himself all along; that the Adventure lay around himself, in New Yuppieland, not out in the Old West, where Yuppies went to live and die by fanciful dreams. That was a dream, not an Adventure. DO SOMETHING.
I'm creating this episode of LORE RIGHT NOW. You're reading this same episode. Good!, that's an Adventure too! Research; be inspired; create. Be a tourist, even if it's in your hometown. How many spaces have you seen there? How many faces? An Adventure is a series of risks and hazards; and why be afraid of such minuscule risks and hazards as knowing members of your community and its overall history? Be bold. Rise up to a challenge in Adventure. Like the Call of the West, this is a call to do something. Something different, for myself, for yourself, for others too.
This Mayan Apocalypse stuff we're going through right now, that's more meant to make certain people look foolish. We're no fools, you and I, we know the world isn't ending on that date. But don't pass the opportunity up. Be prepared; for both self-preservation and defense; for Doomsday, if it should come sooner than later-- by that, meaning pray. Be right with God.
These are Adventurous times we're living in. Many hazards and risks pock-mark the way. At a young age, we are taught these roads we travel aren't going to be easy. The right road isn't the freshest with asphalt or the widest lanes. Sometimes the right roads are the sleepy country roads; dirt roads, gravel roads. Sometimes they're rutted two-tracks going Lord knows where. Other times, there is only the slightest trace of a pathway before one self. Look around you. You don't have to know where you're going, you just have to know, have a little faith, that you'll get there.
We have to do something.
What Weird Twitter Has Taught Me
From my blog, Everything in Bloggeration:
Kanye West is the bait n switch. Weird, to pull people intrigued by what they believe he's trying to say, followed by outrageous and blatantly hateful messages, targeted towards those he's duped into following him by an act of weird behavior.
You then wonder why you ever listened to him for five, or ten or fifteen minutes. The hateful noise of his words, the sting of his action. Why? Why did you ever give him any of your time? Why did you give him and those that support him any of your money for that matter? Why, if he has been historically proven to produce such messages and acts? Do you like the abuse? Do you like the way it feels? Do you like the way it makes other people feel? Do you like the Celebrityism and idolatry that he brings to the table?
Salvador Dali was weird, in his actions and his art. But he brought something tangible to the table. Something perhaps not definitive, yet completely able to be molded into one talking point or the other. Some thought he was heinous in some aspects; some thought he was a genius. (I'm not going to lie, I think he was a genius.)
Some perceived Bob Ross to be weird. 'How can he be so positive?' they said. Perhaps he was unwilling to let other, negative inclined people to bring him down. To forget the Celebrityism and idolatry and be the anithesis of those concepts.
Kanye West is being his own person, which itself should NOT be hated. Weird is the top level behavior for those converted to Hollywoodism and Celebrityism. Not the good kind of weird espoused by Dali and Ross, either. The weird we're talking about here is the Tom Cruise weird. The Lady Gaga weird. They could almost be called Weird Whores. Because that's what they do. They'll be weird for those specific times in which they are paid or have enough attention on them, then BAM! RACISM. HOLLYWOOD BUFFOONERY. IDOL WORSHIP. Weird, for the love of the dollar and the slaves that support and promote them.
LCD Soundsystem - I'm Losing My Edge:
Yeah, I'm losing my edge.
I'm losing my edge.
The kids are coming up from behind.
I'm losing my edge.
I'm losing my edge to the kids from France and from London.
But I was there.
I was there in 1968.
I was there at the first Can show in Cologne.
I'm losing my edge.
I'm losing my edge to the kids whose footsteps I hear when they get on the decks.
I'm losing my edge to the Internet seekers who can tell me every member of every good group from 1962 to 1978.
I'm losing my edge.
To all the kids in Tokyo and Berlin.
I'm losing my edge to the art-school Brooklynites in little jackets and borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered eighties.
But I'm losing my edge.
I'm losing my edge, but I was there.
I was there.
But I was there.
I'm losing my edge.
I'm losing my edge.
I can hear the footsteps every night on the decks.
But I was there.
I was there in 1974 at the first Suicide practices in a loft in New York City.
I was working on the organ sounds with much patience.
I was there when Captain Beefheart started up his first band.
I told him, "Don't do it that way. You'll never make a dime."
I was there.
I was the first guy playing Daft Punk to the rock kids.
I played it at CBGB's.
Everybody thought I was crazy.
We all know.
I was there.
I was there.
I've never been wrong.
I used to work in the record store.
I had everything before anyone.
I was there in the Paradise Garage DJ booth with Larry Levan.
I was there in Jamaica during the great sound clashes.
I woke up naked on the beach in Ibiza in 1988.
But I'm losing my edge to better-looking people with better ideas and more talent.
And they're actually really, really nice.
I'm losing my edge.
I heard you have a compilation of every good song ever done by anybody. Every great song by the Beach Boys. All the underground hits. All the Modern Lovers tracks. I heard you have a vinyl of Every Niagra record on German import. I heard that you have a white label of every seminal Detroit Techno hit - 1985, '86, '87. I heard that you have a CD compilation of every good '60s cut and Another box set from the '70s.
I hear you're buying a synthesizer and an arpeggiator and are throwing your computer out the window because you want to make something real. You want to make a Yaz record.
I hear that you and your band have sold your guitars and bought turntables.
I hear that you and your band have sold your turntables and bought guitars.
I hear everybody that you know is more relevant than everybody that I know.
But have you seen my records? This Heat, Pere Ubu, Outsiders, Nation of Ulysses, Mars, The Trojans, The Black Dice, Todd Terry, the Germs, Section 25, Althea and Donna, Sexual harassment, a-ha, Pere Ubu, Dorothy Ashby, PIL, the Fania All-Stars, the Bar-Kays, the Human League, the Normal, Lou Reed, Scott Walker, Monks, Niagra,
Joy Division, Lower 48, the Association, Sun Ra,
Scientists, Royal Trux, 10cc,
Eric B. and Rakim, Index, Basic Channel, Soulsonic Force ("just hit me"!), Juan Atkins, David Axelrod, Electric Prunes, Gil! Scott! Heron!, the Slits, Faust, Mantronix, Pharaoh Sanders and the Fire Engines, the Swans, the Soft Cell, the Sonics, the Sonics, the Sonics, the Sonics.
You don't know what you really want. (x15)
The Hipster Youth
Hipsters, Yuppies and the New Breed
I'm not even going to try and decode what this means. I'm going to tell you the meaning in as plain and simple words as possible. Hipsters ruin everything.
From the Urban Dictionary:
Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.
I've SEEN hipsters before! I know their sneaky moves! They value only thoughts that line themselves up with their own. A holier-than-thou attitude derived from their Yuppie parents. Yes, Yuppie parents. Clearly, that must be the lineage of the Hipster. The independent thinking derived from the Yuppie-feel-goods that didn't burn out and managed to make something of themselves, at the expense of other Yuppies, clearly burned out and ultimately destroyed. Counter-culture, because the Hipster hates the culture that their parents the Yuppies helped to create (not to mention their Yuppie parents who don't seem to 'understand' the Hipster youth). Progressive in their politics; as certainly the Yuppie was a believer, if in name only, of Reaganomics. To be clear, the Hipster ability to appreciate art and indie-rock was due to the success of the Yuppie in business. To have all that money, spent buying tight pants and album records no one will listen to for ten or fifteen years and a college degree in female studies (not the sexy kind) for Junior payed off well for the Yuppie. Until the Yuppie-feel-sadness starts to kick in. Your kid is a WORTHLESS HIPSTER.
The greatest concentrations of hipsters can be found living in the Williamsburg, Wicker Park, and Mission District neighborhoods of major cosmopolitan centers such as New York, Chicago, and San Francisco respectively.
Although "hipsterism" is really a state of mind,it is also often intertwined with distinct fashion sensibilities. Hipsters reject the culturally-ignorant attitudes of mainstream consumers, and are often be seen wearing vintage and thrift store inspired fashions, tight-fitting jeans, old-school sneakers, and sometimes thick rimmed glasses. Both hipster men and women sport similar androgynous hair styles that include combinations of messy shag cuts and asymmetric side-swept bangs. Such styles are often associated with the work of creative stylists at urban salons, and are usually too "edgy" for the culturally-sheltered mainstream consumer. The "effortless cool" urban bohemian look of a hipster is exemplified in Urban Outfitters and American Apparel ads which cater towards the hipster demographic.
Hipsterism is not a state of mind. It is a Worthless Plague trying to embed its way across America, much the same the Yuppies did in their day. Except the Hipster decides to take their tactics down a more insulting path. Hipsters are soon to be the culturally-ignored if they are to continue on their current trajectory. Soon, their own children will overtake the Hipster, the same as the Hipster did with the Yuppie. REJOICE! Soon the Hipster culture will be effectively dead and laughed at! I'd say it's high time for a new wardrobe and hair cut! You're on the razor's edge of Worthlessness Hipster! Improve yourself while you can! Hipsterism cannot save you.
Despite misconceptions based on their aesthetic tastes, hipsters tend to be well educated and often have liberal arts degrees, or degrees in maths and sciences, which also require certain creative analytical thinking abilities. Consequently many hipsters tend to have jobs in the music, art, and fashion industries. It is a myth that most hipsters are unemployed and live off of their parent's trust funds.
Education is important, and I must applaud the Hipster that receives an Education and degree in something that is worthwhile. You, Hipster, may have the ability to shrug off your Hipsterism! Is it a myth that most Hipsters DON'T live off their Yuppie parents trust funds, or some other means of monetary gain? I mean, the Yuppie can't sit on all that money, unless they're a Scrooge McDuck; all he has is three whiney nephews! Too afraid to NOT sit on all that money!
Hipsters shun mainstream societal conventions that apply to dating preferences and traditional "rules" of physical attraction. It is part of the hipster central dogma not to be influenced by mainsream advertising and media, which tends to only promote ethnocentric ideals of beauty. The concepts of androgyny and feminism have influenced hipster culture, where hipster men are often as thin as the women they date. The muscular and athletic all-American male ideal is not seen as attractive by confident and culturally-empowered hipster women who instead view them as symbols of male oppression, sexism, and misogyny. Likewise, culturally-vapid sorority-type girls with fake blond hair, overly tanned skin, and "Britney Spears tube-tops" are not seen as attractive by cultured hipster males who instead see them as symbols of female insecurity, low self-esteem, and lack of cultural intelligence and independent thinking. Hipsters are also very racially open-minded, and the greatest number of interracial couples in any urban environment are typically found within the hipster subculture.
I think the Hipster is trying a bait n switch here. I want to applaud them for shunning things, but the things they want to shun are things which most people find 'normal'. I totally agree with widening the gene pool, so as to inject some anti-Hipster genetics into that cess pool. I do agree with the Hipster, when they say there is much more to the American Woman than what the Hollywoodists want you to believe. But then the Old Hipster Bait N Switch tactic unfolds, and that once hot chick turns into a disgusting dude. Yuppie! What have your children become?!
Although hipsters are technically conformists within their own subculture, in comparison to the much larger mainstream mass, they are pioneers and leaders of the latest cultural trends and ideals. For example, the surge of jeans made to look old and worn (i.e. "distressed"), that have become prevalent at stores such as The Gap, American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch, and Hollister, were originally paraded by hipsters who shopped in thrift stores years before such clothing items were mass produced and sold to the mainstream consumer. The true irony here is that many of the detractors of hipster culture are in fact unknowingly following a path that hipsters have carved out years before them. This phenomena also applies to music as well, as many bands have become successful and known to mainstream audiences only because hipsters first found and listened to them as early-adopters of new culture. Once certain concepts of fashion and music have reached mainstream audiences, hipsters move on to something new and improved.
CONFORM. That's what the HIPSTER wants from YOU. They're so far ahead of themselves, YOU'RE THE ONES that have to catch up. A filthy-terrible vanguard of Hipsterism! Then, the Hipster Culture become 'distressed' when YOU DO conform to their standards, saying, 'I was never like that, too mainstream!' DOOFUSES! What do you want from Joe & Jane Public?! I am NOT follwoing along on some 'Hipster Path'! I WILL LAUGH when this 'Hipster Path' comes full circle, allowing the Hipsters the chance to see that in actuallity, they've been BEHIND THE CURVE THE ENTIRE TIME! There is no more originality, only conformity. Can you dig it?
Because of the rise of various online photo-blog and social networking sites, insights into urban hipster culture is reaching sheltered suburban audiences at an exponential rate. Cultural "norms" have been deconstructed by hipster culture as a whole. Hipsterism is often dismissed as just an image thing by some, but the culture as a whole is effecting changes in society, leading to feelings of insecurity and resentment in people who are no longer a part of the cultural ruling class. For example, a lot of anti-hipster sentiment evidently comes from culturally-clueless suburban frat boy types who feel that the more sensitive, intelligent, and culturally aware hipster ideal threatens their insecure sense of masculinity. Anti-hipster sentiment often comes from people who simply can't keep up with social change and are envious of those who can.
Them Tumblr kids are the worst. You can just SEE the stupid seeping off from them. They love to spread the DUMB CULTURE, so too anything that seems different to them, including the HIPSTER. Why?! Both myself and the Hipster do find agreement in them Tumblr/other social media kids are the dumbest. I cannot even imagine to think of putting myself down to the levels of Hipsterism, or worse yet, Tumblr Kidism. The truth is, societal changes don't come with 'effective' sub-cultures. We're more likely to see those changes come during these Tumblr Kidism years than we are with the effects of Hipsterism. Hipsterism requires the past to run into the future. The past is DEAD. Hipsterism in its ultimate end-state is a CULTURE OF DEATH. The end result is summed up in the closing sentences of the dictionary entry. Hipsters are so clueless as to what is really going on (living in the past into the future) that they give themselves NO FUTURE. They can't come into agreement with each other (You're too mainstream, Hipster!), that when the natural time comes to start a family, THEY HAVE NO ONE TO AGREE WITH THEM. YOU'RE TOO MAINSTREAM LIFE. Thus, Hipsterism is a CULTURE OF DEATH, which should be shunned HARDCORE STYLE.
Lineage of the Hipster
The Beatnik begat the Hippie
The Hippie begat the Yuppie
The Yuppie begat the Hipster
Whom did the Hipster birth? We'll know in another ten to thirty years, by their generations. Expect updates, America... :|
Thank the Lord, this is the short Lineage of the Hipster! May God have mercy on all their souls!
The Blurbs
I joined the in-crowd. I hooked up with the #TGDN (Twitter Gulag Defense Network) people. I went from 928 followers to 1,010 followers overnight. I'm an overnight sensation, baby!
The Ballad of Tony Telephone
(Doesn't mean anybody's home.)
Something, Sometimes
Something must be said here. Sometimes things have to go here. Sometimes things have to go there.
Something must be done here.
Historically, years ending in 13 have never been good years. 1913, 1813, 1713, 1613, 1513, 1413, 1313, 1213, 1113, 1013, 913, 813, 713, 613, 513, 413, 313, 213, 113, 13
Let's make something good happen in 2013! YEAH!
The United States of America - Coming Down:
I think it's over now, I think it's ending.
I think it's over now, I think it's ending.
There is sometimes a single secondary phase.
It's not unusual for it to last for days.
And everything is magnified when it is gone.
Reality is only temporary,
Reality is only temporary,
A process imitating things that went before
Without a satisfying answer anymore.
The present just repeats the future and the past.
I think it's over now, I think it's ending.
I think it's over now, I think it's ending.
There is no time for second answer to the past
If yesterday is gone don't you try to make it last,
And summer winds have come and gone without a flood.
I think it's over now, I think it's ending.
I think it's over now, I think it's ending.
A thought of coloured clouds all high above my head,
A trip that doesn't need a ticket or a bed,
And everything is smelling sweeter than a rose.
And then a rose...
The Normalcy is ending.
The Normalcy is ending.
Infinite Secondary Phases: ENGAGE.
Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years. How long will you wait for 'it'?
Magnetic Space Ends Syndrome Symptoms from the Deep Tomes.
Smoke and Mirrors over Flesh Gazers.
Smoke and Mirrors over Flesh Gazers.
Chameleon Magic Miracle replicating the FUTURE, in the past; present and accounted for.
Deep Tomes because People aren't deep anymore, just Flesh Gazers.
There is no Past. There is no Present. There is no Future. Shady Thoughts Current Backward Stream.
The Normalcy is ending again.
The Normalcy is ending again.
Archaic thoughtwaves have done it before and are doing it again.
Where is yesterday but a future past tomorrow?
Warm mood sensations without an overflow. You have enough, but secretly, it's not enough.
The Normalcy is ending again.
The Normalcy is ending again.
Thunderous rains and lightning do not blaze through to the Flesh Gazers. No one receives the nourishing rain, not this way.
Sky high blazers burnt coat one foot two tracks in the dust, warm blown-over again.
This is not my beautiful wife, this is not my car, this not the way out west, this is not the future or the past, where am I, where is this place, look where my house was, jib-jab hook uppercut, see where I am being, being where I am seeing, replaced thoughtwaves in a brainwave mixer, look where my house was, red, red dirt, acid claw hammer moon pop drop dead fred red dirt red star blue star, but they're supposed to be pills, grown up up and away, overgrown bud sprout flower, look where my house was, a rose arose field bird hip hip hippy hooray, it could mean anything or nothing, and then a rose, and then a rose, and then a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a rose a
The Weirding Has Begun
Gypsies > Tramps > Thieves RT @amish_man: Hobos > Tramps > Bums RT @DjWeideman: Thanks tramps! #RedEye
So, as it stands right now:
Hobos > Gypsies > Tramps > Thieves > Bums --- Moondog – Be A Hobo
The Mayans were wrong. Should anyone be surprised?
Someone on my Twitter TimeLine said that the Mayans being wrong proved Science was RIGHT. This is WRONG. The Mayans used Science to make their calculations and predictions for the 'End of the World'. Science created the wrongfully placed fear and nonsensical reactions of some. Man and Science, seen as the Scientist and the Mathematician. I'm looking at you (YouTube: EndlessMountain) and you (YouTube: BelieversUnderGround). Using Science to justify making yourselves seem higher than everyone else. Announcing and constantly preaching lies and deceits and treacheries against your brothers and sisters. It makes me sick.
What's the deal with Commisioner Gordon's map from the Dark Knight Rises movie predicting the Sandy Hook School shooting?; what too about the recent Hillary(-ous) Clinton Benghazi-gate debacle? What of the movie, the title of which describes a massacre at Sandy Hook?
I found this to be quite interesting. It comes from the GodlikeProductions Message Board (FYI: I don't follow that debacle, however, much of the information they put out is gobbled up by people claiming in a much more hardcore style, to not follow that debacle.) This was posted by a self-proclaimed 'Canadian Coward'. I don't trust that debacle, but this post was nice and has truth to it:
"I have to say, I find this all quite amusing really, dig more if you must, but like a fractal, there really is no end to the pattern of synchronicity, and for many it is a path that leads to utter madness! This is not a new phenomenon by any stretch of the imagination, the entire idea of messages being "left" behind in movies intentionally due to the messages ability to be synchronised with other aspects of reality later, is simply a cosmic recognition of our minds ability to link unrelated material in new unusual ways to created a heightend sense of connection to the matrix... and ultimately to the creator of the matrix.
"This is a natural part of reality, and a fun part of reality!
"The not so fun part though is the understanding that there are elements that exist that try to manipulate and control this normal functioning part of the matrix... and that's where it begins to no longer be fun.
"Media and movies, specificaly movies you probably would have no problem sitting down and enjoying with your family and kids, have long been used as feeder visuals used in projects such as MK ULTRA. Disneys connections with the military, CIA and Mind Control has been extensively documented elsewhere.
"Fantasy has always been a tool to be used to access the imaginative state... and with proper direction, and through selective layering different mind states, one can begin to draw many parallels to two unrelated layers, once a critical mass of connections are made, it becomes almost impossible to convince a person that the two layers were unrelated...
"So as a warning to all of you absorbed in this batman quest, please keep a guard on your mind for there is a real danger of loosing focus on what is TRUE.
"Do not walk barefoot in the philosophers Rose Garden!"
"If you need examples of the nature of synchronicity at work, go rent or buy a copy of THE WIZARD OF OZ, play it with the sound off, and when the MGM LION roars for the third time, press play on PINK FLOYDS cd DARK SIDE OF THE MOON. leave the cd on repeat and enjoy a full movie SYNCHRONICITY!
"And, for those that know or have tried that already, try out an original find of mine :
Start the cd when the STRIKE logo appears. (WHY? for the same reason the word MARK was used in BATMAN for the Map, it anchors the synchronicity to a bigger picture, STIKE in this case was used to symbolise the START POINT because of the hint found in the lyrics on the cd "YOU GOT TO STRIKE WHEN THE MOMENT IS RIGHT WITHOUT THINKING!"
"So there you have an example of synchronicity anchoring.
"Watch the CHILDREN OF ANIMALS synch and you will see the concept in action, your mind will begin to draw parallels from unrelated material and once a critical mass of anchor points have occured, you might be left with the sensation that this was intentional... especially if you can make it to the ART ARK ;)
"Sometimes a coincidence is just that, a coincidence!
"I cannot emphisise enough to stay grounded and to stay focused when dealing with synchronicities! They are really nothing more than echos in the matrix, perhaps like a nodal point in a key energy line, see it for what it is, not for where you think it leads! Synchonicity is all around us, all the time.. it is a function of our brain to relate unrelated things together, sometimes it leads us to see a message we would have otherwise missed, sometimes it is this awareness that leads to all sorts of innovations, discoveries, and inventions, sometimes it simply entertains, but synchronicities can also mislead, lie, distract, obscure and cloud the truth.
"Learn what you must while the syncronicity lasts, but remember to stay grounded in TRUTH.
"Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon / Wizard of Oz is just one example, the frame rate at which the mind can draw parallels occurs so fast, that one quickly anchors the two unrelated media together and if your not careful you can become completely CONVINCED that there is something more to the connections... That is the danger here too. On a forum such as this, a trend like SANDY HOOK BATMAN MOVIE, gets so many comments coming from unrelated sources, it takes on a life of its own...
"Also it is not just the frequency of the anchors, but the quality too... Back to the DARK SIDE OF OZ, can one even begin to calculate the statistical odds of two unrelated mediums fitting soo well that halfway through the movie, the song BRAIN DAMAGE, introduces us to the SCARECROW (who doesn't have a brain!) and the lyrics describe to us that the "lunatic" is on the grass (scarecrow is in the field) the lunatic is on the grass... we got to keep the loonies on the path! (scarecrow comes down to the yellow brick road!) Not to metion the millions of other oddities synching in The Dark Side of OZ,... (Wizard of Oz goes from BLACK AND WHITE to COLOR back to BLACK AND WHITE.... as does the light through the prism on the cover of DARK SIDE OF THE MOON!)
"Watch the synch and see for yourself synchronicity in action.
"The same thing is happening here!
"The same thing occurs in my synchronicity THE CHILDREN OF ANIMALS. (Children of Men with Pink Floyd Animals)
"By using the audio layer as a sort of colored filter or magnifying glass with which to analyse (or at least be entertained by) the movie children of men, one may begin to draw on hidden themes in the movie that one may have missed or been distracted by with a different audio filter.
"By using ANIMALS as a filter, your mind will begin to see a different movie, yet it is still the same movie, and because it is our minds desire to pair things together, we will begin to draw upon anchors in the visuals that link to the audio, and soon the two become intertwined! This is also a useful investigative technique too, it wasn't until I paired these two media together that I became enlightened to just how many scenes in the movie have an ANIMAL in them, specifically DOGS!!! Which also happens to be one of the SONGS on ANIMALS! In fact, there are so many dogs in this movie one begins to wonder if there wasn't a greater reason for the directors reasons to place them there... it isn't until you synch this with animals that this choice makes sense. But this is when synchronicities become dangerous, because false anchors can be used to enforce a lie as well... Are these two media unrelated? is our mind playing tricks on us? did the director specifically edit this movie knowing someone would eventually synchronise it with ANIMALS? It becomes very difficult to stay grounded with this synch once one reaches the ART ARK, remember the cd cover when you get there ;)... just give the concept some thought before automatically assuming that two unrelated things are somehow connected, because sometimes the only thing connecting the two is actually OUR MIND."
Thoughts? Sure.
I was going to do a review/comment thing on this, but I think I'll let it lay as it is. I'm going to give two names to google. Jonathan Kleck and Joey Pal.
Jonathan Kleck goes into the Spiritual side of synchronicity. That's where this stuff should eventually lead oneself. If not outright belief in the things that aren't there, at least an acknowledgment of such things. They are real, they do happen and yes, sometimes they do have an exit from the maze they've created in the cosmic fabric. Deja vu is among the symptoms. You've seen it before, haven't you? It might not have been your alternate universe counterpart, it might have been you IN SPIRIT. How is it that you JUST KNOW things?
(EVERY MAN is given a Spiritual Gift for their own utilization, for the betterment of others. FAITH to receive your Gifting, the WORKS of your Gifting; to better the lives of those saved; to show proofs to the unsaved.)
Joey Pal knows things. He knows both history and HIStory. I honestly thought to myself: Nope, this guy is NOT legit. Lord told me that wasn't the right way to think about Joey Pal. So I continued to sub his SpaceMan channel on YouTube. A while later, Lord tells me, Go ahead, research him. I do as Lord says. I don't get very far or deep. I did talk to a few people that seemed to know him. He's got some different ideas, but hey, doesn't everybody? Eventually, Lord gave me a synchonicity of TRUTH with Mr. Pal, confirming him as a Man of God.
Jonathan Kleck is about the dual-nature of beings. You want to do good, but can only do bad. You want to lose weight as part of your New Years Resolution, but you only gain it. Even down to something as small and insignificant as weight.
Both Kleck and Pal go into the elasticity and changability of DNA. How we can shun the negative parts of our DNA to live better lives, healthier lives, more Spiritual lives. There are places where they can improve themselves and their ministries. Again, isn't their some place where our own lives need improving?
Jonathan Kleck's website is at:
Joey Pal's YouTube is at:
Dreams? INDEED.
I had a weird dream involving this map and the ordeal surrounding it. In the dream, I'm trying to decode the map. When I get to a certain section, I'm sometimes linked/there in the room itself with people who are making other maps. People who make lists and check them twice. Thrice even. The place was like the scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, where Indy and his father are being held captive in the castle. My first thought seeing the scenes unfold before me was, They must be Nazis! But two words came to me at that moment, and indeed throughout the dream. United Front. These people were putting on a Doctor Jekyl and Mister Hyde performance, one that goes deep and vast. I got a very terrible sense to this 'United Front' debacle. It's much like the letter X or the # sign. The bars crossover and interconnect with one another; that's the feeling I get with this 'United Front'. Good or Bad, we all interconnect, we all contribute something to this United Front, whatever sort of conglomerate it could be. It's terrible, but it is the growing truth.
Like Mr. Modesto says, everyone has their own time and place in which to leave. I have my own, I'm sure Mr. Pal has his own as well. I do believe Mr. Modesto to be a Man of God. I would take it into consideration when he says: 'I move, you move.'
Be right with God. Be right with Jesus. We're going to have a different kind of Adventure, come sooner than later. Be prepared in the Spiritual. Be prepared in Life. Help others get prepared. People think they're huge mountains, immovable forces, when all they are is tiny little pebbles. We have to help and each other into all levels of preparedness!
We're already part of the Synchronicity. It IS the UNIVERSE, created from the START. We have PURPOSE in life. These synchronicities PROVE it.
Another thing I noticed, was all the CHRISTMAS HATRED coming from Christians this year. It's based on pagan festivals an rituals, they say, I want to be right with the Lord, they continue. If that really is the case, those people who HATE Christmas clearly must throw out the Old Testament (and much of the New Testament to boot), if not outright HATE IT, based on the fact it was ALL RITUAL, whether it be Jewish or pagan. If the CHRISTMAS HATERS hate the rituals, why did God even send his only begotten Son? Wasn't His shed blood and death on the cross supposed to be a covering for the sins of man?; that event itself being a ritual? Our traditional Christmas is indeed placed atop that of numerous pagan festivals. It was one of a few, if not the only, time a Christian was able to openly worship the Lord between persecutions.
The lone day where a Christian can tell their fellow citizens they're not as evil as they are made to look, and what more than strong faith do they have to show for it? The RITUALS that the CHRISTMAS HATERS loathe are several months gone and to come. Every other religion has something going for them that day, so why all the doom and gloom Christians? Is it really true that the Kingdom of Heaven is here on Earth? Do we need to persecute you harder?
Early Christians moved Christ's birthdate to December 25th, the biggest semi-unknown event from His life, the original date most likely being in mid-April. That was the only event in that earliest church that could have sufficed. And what better? A celebration of the birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ, to bring joy into long-suffering Chritians' hearts; to show the Romans they weren't out to destroy the Empire; to show their persecutors that life was worth living in peace with each other, that they forgave their persecutors and welcomed a life beyond those torments.
The blanket HATRED/DENIAL of CHRISTMAS (or CHRIST'S MASS) does indeed deny Jesus Christ and the RITUALS PERFORMED BY HIM (Jesus Himself was not Christian, remember that. He was an ultra liberal rabbi, who Himself was made into a RITUAL sacrifice object by the will of God the Father. (A quick nugget of information. If you can't call Him God or Jehova or Yehova or Yahweh or any of His names, that's creating an un-natural distance between you and Him. It's not wrong, but it's not right to not acknowledge Him.) Don't deny the day or the practice of Christmas, you are denying Christ when you do so.
Is it wrong to identify the pagan elements and remove them? One answer, the Three Kings gave gifts to Christ, a pre-established PAGAN ELEMENT. Another answer, Christ was born in a manger, among farm animals. Zoning laws in nearly every area have some restrictions on farm animals. You might be able to have a rogue area allow a pig or chicken every now and then. But for many, they would face a fine and perhaps even eviction from the local secular government (PAGAN ELEMENT) had they allowed farm animals into their homes. But they can have a tree! (PAGAN ELEMENT? Probably.) Saint Nicholas (aka SANTA CLAUS) helped establish the core of Christian Canon, that is, that which is contained within the Bible, how it is taught and preached; the core kernel of BEING CHRISTIAN. Saint Nicholas gave his first gifts so that a group of young sisters would not have to live as prostitutes, thus saving them from a life of sin. Neither reindeer or elves or a Mrs. Claus for that matter (PAGAN ELEMENTS) were involved in that mission, or any of his missions. There's a few starting points.
CHRISTMAS HATERS have a Snowball of Doubt that is turning into an Avalanche of Denial. We all know where that leads to...
Please, continue to celebrate Christmas. Don't be a HATER, they're just misinformed as to the true Purpose of Christmas.
Denial: DENIED!
Hatred: DENIED!
Canada and Canadian thoughts are an Adventure too, I guess...
*~*~*~ This episode's Weirding brought to you by CANADIANS, KOOKS & CHRISTMAS HATERS :| *~*~*~
News of the Brave
SEAL Team 4 CO Job W. Price dead at 42. Regardless the cause of death, he served his country valiantly until the end.
General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Commander of U.S. Central Command and co-author of Operation Desert Storm dead at 78.
"True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job anyhow, that's what courage is." - Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf (1934-2012)
The Bear
I remember the press conferences. This is how we're doing it now; this is where we plan on moving; these are expected losses to vehicle and personnel; so on and so forth. Planned even down to the minute what each unit would do to secure victory for the Allies. The sheer willpower was intense! Colin Powell or Bush41 on the screen? Screw that! It was Schwarzkopf or bust! Seriously, I didn't have a problem with the President or Powell there, but Stormin Norman Schwarzkopf was THE MAN. The footage and updates from the front, the Gulf War was the first war I'd ever lived through. The first I'd ever seen.
There were two moments that really drove the Gulf War home for me. The first, seeing my uncle shipped off to the battlefield. The well wishes and yellow ribbons in support of him. There were the war stories, some of which came in letters, some directly from him.
The second, a war story itself, was the aftermath of the Gulf War. The aftermath that saw the Kurds in the north of Iraq and southeast Turkey unite with anti-Hussein groups in a failed attempt to overthrow the weakened government. Hearing and seeing the reports. Turkey not helping the Kurds (I later found out that they weren't too kind to the Kurds either.) The United States not helping out the anti-Hussein resistance like they could have. Seeing the apathy of the 'Allied' governments, Saddam Hussein taking advantage of the situation by (partially) rebuilding his military; likely adding to his arsenal of chemical, biological and perhaps nuclear weapons. In essence, the lead up to the 2nd Gulf War.
The first time I learned about the Navy SEALs was by way of Jesse Ventura. I think it had been from an interview he did promoting for the film, 'Predator'. In the film, he appears to be a member of the Green Berets. In reality, he was a member of Navy Underwater Demolitions Team, the pre-cursor to the SEALs, eventually merging with them in the first half of the 1980's. Yeah, pretty much that and the interview.
So, a few years go by. A few movies are released, a few more books. I'm interested in learning more recent stuff, but to be honest, I'm not a fan of a lot of it. I stick to the historical military men. A few more years go by. I see a book with a big-nasty dude on it, with long hair and beard, holding a big-nasty looking gun.
What book am I holding? Red Cell, by Richard Marcinko. BOO-YA-KA! This is it! This is how it is! SEAL Team Two? He was there! SEAL Team Six? He was there! I know that Red Cell was a largely fictionalized account; that Marcinko might have been involved in some shady activities. But dang!, most SEALs come off as being some of the coolest dudes, while in active service or not!
Dang, what could be cooler than killing off Public Enemy Number One Osama Bin Laden? I guess SEAL Team Six will find that out eventually.
Like many other Americans, I found myself perplexed at the reasons for the HUGE news conference he had convened that night. There wasn't any major political new to be had, if my memory serves, just that it was something MAJOR. By roughly 45 minutes until the conference was to start, it became pretty clear. BIN LADEN WAS DEAD. In Pakistan, not Afghanistan. In a military town to boot! MAJOR SHOCKING NEWS INDEED! SEAL Team Six got the nod for such a high stakes mission, performing the operation, called GERONIMO.
Geronimo hearkens back to General Schwarzkopf's quote. The name had come to mean much the same; a Looney Tunes short is stuck in my mind, where Daffy Duck yells 'GERONIMO!' while leaping out of a plane. Daffy had wings (TOOLS) to fly, he didn't need the parachute to help him do his duty. Daffy displayed guts, sheer fortitude. That's what Geronimo means. Geronimo himself could tell you that! His band of Apache's were some of the last fiercely independent tribes of the later Indian Wars era. He was going to defend his band and their lands, even if he was waging a steep battle which could not have been won.
I wanted to leave off and talk briefly about Commander Price and SEAL Team Four on a higher note. Sometimes it doesn't work like that. All I can say is that he fought hard and valiantly for both the United States and Afghanistan. The circumstances surrounding his death need to be put aside, his family put into our hearts and prayers. So to, all our servicemen and women.
Everything, and then a rose...
I'm thinking about putting something here along the lines of Stephen King's the Dark Tower, The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick, Daniel Knauf & HBO's Carnivale, the Bible and other tales from the universe in here. In other words, the unexpected story of how reality and synchronicity really work... in a nutshell.
A cosmic synchonicity puts this section back in. I went to Wikipedia to browse the 'Deaths' section, boom, there it is, one of the first names to appear is 'Callahan'. So it goes, I'm not going to put this section in. I go and take it out. Everything is fine. I lurk onto Wikipedia and the first name I see is Callahan? Come on, now!
Perhaps the Callahan being dead was a reference to this section and its thoughts being dead? From the PKD YT video above, by the user AndyHello23:
"I know what he is talking about, i always have thought i died in 1998, and my life has been so weird since. I believed that i died back in 1998, but i woke up in this weird world.
I do not think since 1998 i really am alive, maybe this guy would understand, but its weird. Its like i woke up one day in 1998, and my life totally changed forever, and ever since i have been in the twilight zone.
I know what this guy is talking about, and i am not joking, lol"
No, I dont think the Callahan reference was pointed towards our thoughts being dead, at least not the right ones. What's being talked about here is being dead in the FLESH. Watch some of Jonathan Kleck's videos to get an understanding of this. It's the dual-nature of humanity; the dual strand of DNA. Created by God in His likeness, corrupted in the Garden, made whole again by WAKING UP to the KNOWLEDGE of JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. So too the KNOWLEDGE of what is REALLY going on around us.
WHAT is it? What's going on around us? Creation NEVER CEASED. Perhaps not moving along at such a feverish pace that it once did, but it never fully ceased production. God rested; He let man take over after awhile. Genesis chapter 3 goes into the backstory. Adam, Eve, the Serpent, the Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
THIS is the CREATION of the SYNCHRONICITY. Adam and Eve eating the Fruit made them to be as gods (with lower case g) who also CREATED. This led to TWO SYNCHRONICITIES along the main TIMELINE from the start of Creation! AdamLine has to eventually synch up to EveLine; Eveline to AdamLine; each to the GodLine and His to theirs. It only grew more unruly with each new wave of descendants of Adam and Eve.
Each generation CREATED separate culture groups, each being governed by society, and all those being governed by synchronicity. Each CREATED their own new mythologies and stories. Some CREATED a Tower that could reach God in their minds, some CREATED a Tower made of Brick and Mortar so as to PHYSICALLY reach God. Some WROTE WORDS in both truth and mythology, meaning to CREATE in the reader much the same THOUGHT and feeling. Isn't a paragraph little more than a Tower of WORDS?
Again, CREATION never ceased. Bolstered by Science in these modern times, we're little g gods who CAN CREATE, either with the help of Science or within our own MINDS. I added Stephen King's Dark Tower (and linked books, especially Insomnia in that list) to the above list of links, after the Bible (and its teachers) itself, as it serves as a Guidebook to the Architecture of the Synchronistic Parallel Universe.
Simply put, each NEW THOUGHT CREATES a NEW UNIVERSE, such as the thought that you've landed that great new job that earns you lots of money. But in reality, you were passed over for someone much more qualified. YOU have created an alternate universe in which YOU have that job, and in essence ARE THE CREATIVE FORCE in that universe. Indeed, that universe CAN have an effect on THIS universe! This is the cause of all synchronicity.
The BODY (personal/group) is the TEMPLE. No one comes to the FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH HIM. Jesus Christ is a FILTER, sorting through the little g gods and those that have disavowed being a little g god. MASTER YOUR MIND AND BODY THROUGH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Indeed, that is why the above quoter thought he had died in 1998. HE REALLY DID DIE IN 1998. It may have been accidental, or God forbid, self-inflicted. So to could it have been that he WOKE UP to the TRUTH of the universe, sensing that something just isn't right with this picture. That's the easiest and most generalized feeling in this scenario.
Something isn't right, though you're generally not depressed. But you've got moods and feelings you don't normally have though. At the same time, you feel you might go insane and/or become the most happiest person in the world. The Matrix, and to a lesser extent movies where drug use is heavily featured go into this. Got a problem? There's pills for that. Some dumb you down to the point of being a zombie. Others do indeed help you WAKE UP. Still, there are some out there whose brains legitimately cannot nor could ever handle such information. Be RIGHT with CHRIST. Drop the little g god lifestyle, live your life under the Authority of the Big G, God. If you've got the above feelings, drugs aren't the answer, suicide isn't the answer. The ONLY answer is the BIBLE. The other books?, only guidebooks to the ANSWER. EVERYTHING has a PURPOSE. The ULTIMATE PURPOSE is to serve GOD. HE DOES NOT WANT YOU TO HARM YOURSELF OR OTHERS BY ANY DEED OR DOCTRINE.
This TRUTH is on the large scale. Universal in size. It does filter its way down, eventually. Some get it, most don't. A few never will. This is the most BASIC I can articulate this at the moment. It may take a lifetime of study to even begin to fully understand all of this. For myself, it will be ten years this upcoming May that I've known. I learned through a somewhat similar fashion as the quoter, though I do believe mine was more akin to an Out of Body Experience. (Drugs NOT involved.) I probably don't even have one-tenth of one percent of the answers, but when you do compile the evidence that is known, it makes for a very compelling argument.
Anamnesis – Some people JUST KNOW.
Final Review
2012, the Year in Quick Review:
How was YOUR 2012?
I came up with a buzzword that I really like which describes LORE: ThoughtZine. I like how it just rolls off my toungue! ThoughtZine!
But then someone could be reading this and say, hey!, I thought this was a blog?!
Well, you've probably read that right, much the same as you've read these episodes of LORE right. LORE IS a zine. Open to outside contribution. LORE IS a blog. Open to express the thoughts that run across your MIND. Like stated above, similarity runs smack into synchronicity. It could also be described as a LIKE-MINDEDNESS. Got a thought you'd like to share within the confines of LORE? Send it this way, cross-post with your own blog! I'm making NO MONEY from LORE. Profit for Personal Sustenance is not wrong, but in this situation, it's not the RIGHT WAY.
LORE is for the eventual disemmination of KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING. Everything You Need to Know About Something, the motto of my blog, Everything in Bloggeration, began as the motto for LORE. IMPACT began as the motto for Everything in Bloggeration! KNOWLEDGE, LEARNING, PURPOSE!
Twitter: @amish_man
Blog: Everything in Bloggeration
Blog: Loaded with Obscure References
Skype: amish_man
Your contribution to LORE, whether it be in articles or discussion, would be greatly appreciated.
Written by Tim Munn
December 2012 – January 2013
1.7.2013 9:42 a.m.
Copyrights remain with respective authors. I make no money from this.
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